“Skatercise is a unique roller skating program that combines the joy of skating with mood-boosting movement. This one-hour class creates an engaging atmosphere where you can move freely, express yourself on wheels, and feel energized in both body and spirit.”
What to expect at this event:
A welcoming, supportive environment
Uplifting music and skating flows
Movement sequences that naturally build your skating confidence
Age-appropriate balance and coordination exercises
Community interaction and shared energy
Coach-led exercises that feel more like fun than workout
One hour of continuous movement and skating
Who is this event for?
“Skatercise welcomes anyone who can roll independently and wants to experience the joy of movement on wheels. Perfect for:
Skaters looking to add variety to their skating practice
Anyone seeking an uplifting morning activity
Those who enjoy movement-based activities
Skaters of any level who want to combine skating with feel-good exercise
Parents who want to continue skating after SkaterTots class